11 Fun Fall Activities

fall activities

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The weather is getting cooler, and there’s something about the fall season that makes us want to go out and do fun things. It doesn’t have to be all work, work, work — take time out of your busy schedule and enjoy some of these fun fall activities!

#1 Horseback riding

Horseback riding is fun for the whole family, but you’ll need to be prepared. Here are some tips for getting started!

Wear comfortable clothing and boots. You’ll want to wear something that moves with you when you’re riding, and sturdy shoes help ensure your feet stay secure in the stirrups. If you’re planning on having a long ride through fields and forests, bring along some rain gear, and don’t forget to pack snacks!

Gather any necessary equipment before you saddle up your horse (or pony). Before mounting your animal of choice, be sure to have everything ready so that it doesn’t ruin the experience or create an unsafe environment for yourself and other riders on the trail. This includes having a helmet on hand (which should fit properly), otherwise known as head protection from potential falls during horseback riding activities such as jumping fences along trails or going over logs while playing games like “follow me.” 

#2 Camping

Camping is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy nature. Camping can be done with friends or family, and it can be done in a tent or camper. There are many different types of camping, including car camping, backpacking (which requires you to carry everything on your person), canoe camping (where you paddle across a lake), and RV camping (where you stay in an RV).

The best part about camping is that there are so many options! Whether you want to go somewhere remote or near civilization, there’s something for everyone!

#3 Go on a nature hike

Nature hikes are a great way to enjoy the fall season. They’re also a fun way to exercise and spend time with friends or family.

Pick a trail or area you feel comfortable hiking in, preferably with less traffic than busy trails like those around national parks.

If it’s your first time going on a nature hike, dress in layers so that you can adjust your outfit depending on how warm or cold it gets while hiking. Wear sturdy shoes and bring snacks, water bottles, and sunscreen if you want to ensure that everyone stays healthy while they’re out on their adventure!

Don’t forget these must-have items:

  • Map of where the group will be hiking.
  • Bear spray (if necessary).
  • First aid kit.
  • Whistle.
  • Flashlight/headlamp combo (for those who don’t want to stumble back at night).

#4 Have a bonfire

The fall season is one of the most fun times to have a bonfire. They can be used for cooking, burning trash, and keeping warm in cool weather. You can even roast marshmallows!

Bonfires are a great way to spend time with friends and family, so take some time out of your busy schedule this fall and enjoy some good old-fashioned fun.

#5 Go for a picnic

Picnics are a great fall activity. You can pack up a basket, find a beautiful picnic table and enjoy the scenery. There are many ways to make your picnic more fun, like bringing along some games or even playing a game on your phone while waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Here are some picnic food ideas:

  • Sandwiches- make sandwiches with different spreads and meats that you love!
  • Potato salad- it is delicious, easy to make, and goes well with almost any kind of sandwich!
  • Fruit salad- fruit salad is also very easy to make, and it will add color and sweetness to your meal!

Make sure you pack everything in containers, so nothing gets messy inside the basket (and don’t forget about napkins!). The type of container doesn’t matter as long as it holds things securely. Plastic boxes work fine if they’re big enough for all your items. You could also use cloth bags if they’re sturdy enough not to break when they get packed full of goodies. Remember that if you use cloth bags, then it’s important not to forget anything because those kinds won’t hold onto everything like plastic might.

#6 Attend a sporting event

Another fun fall activity is to attend a sporting event. From soccer to football (both high school and professional), there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. You can either watch these events on TV at home or go to an actual game. If you would like, bring your friends and family with you!

#7 Host a chili cook-off

Invite friends and family and make a few batches of chili. You don’t have to make that much, but having sample sizes for people to try is a great way to get feedback on what they like and don’t like!

Have a vote! Whoever gets the most votes wins, plus they get bragging rights for life (or at least until next year). If you have prizes, this could be as simple as buying the winner their favorite candy bar or giving them an extra serving of dessert.

#8 Bake cookies or other treats for neighbors and friends

Make sure you have plenty of delicious treats on hand to share with any unexpected visitors.

Bring some treats to work, especially if your office is more sedentary and less social than usual during winter. Your officemates will appreciate getting something sweet to eat during their lunch break!

If you live in an apartment building, consider leaving some cookies or brownies on your neighbor’s doorstep as a thank-you for helping out when you were moving in or just because they’re nice people who deserve a treat once in a while!

#9 Research local ghost stories and tell them around the campfire

Ghost stories are fun to tell, especially around a campfire. They can be scary, but they don’t have to be. The best ones are creepy and mysterious enough to keep you talking about them for years afterward. Ghost stories also give people a chance to open up about their personal experiences with the supernatural world, making them great conversation starters! If you’re nervous about telling ghost stories yourself, seek professional help from those who know what they’re doing: local libraries and librarians who are ghosts. They’ll ensure your story won’t scare anyone too badly (or at all).

#10 Make caramel apples

Making your caramel apples can be a fun (and messy) project to do with children. To make things easier, buy candy from the store to speed up the process. (Another tip is to freeze your apples beforehand — they will hold their shape better.)

If you want something fancier than plain candy-coated apples, use stencils or stickers to create an awesome design for each one!

#11 Try your hand at pumpkin carving

Grab a few tools or some cookie cutters, and see what you can do. If you’re really good, try using stencils to make an awesome design!

Pumpkins are a fun fall activity—and food too! Here’s how to get started:

  • Carve the pumpkin with a sharp knife or tool of choice. You can also use stencils if you want something more intricate.
  • Cook the flesh in a slow cooker with spices, sugar, and water for 5-6 hours until soft enough to scoop out easily (you can also bake it in an oven). Scoop out the cooked flesh of the pumpkin and add sweetener before pureeing it until smooth–this will help give body to any pies or bread made from this mixture later on!


So there, you have 11 fun fall activities to enjoy with friends and family. If you’re looking for something more relaxing, try one idea involving nature or going outside. The best part about fall is that it’s here for a limited time, so make sure you take advantage of all these fun things before winter comes!