Examples of AI in Everyday Life

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Even though it may sound futuristic, artificial intelligence (AI) is a very present concept. Without noticing, AI has become an inevitable part of human life. As soon as we wake up, we use social media. Not only that, but we also listen to music, commute to work, and use financial services with the help of this type of system. However present this term is in our daily lives, it sure is going to be even more relevant in the future. This field is successively expanding, and people can expect to hear about it more and more. Here are some of the areas of life this type of computer system has already inhabited.

Social media feeds

The first and the most obvious platform that brings machine learning into our lives is social media. Applications such as Twitter or Instagram use AI for various purposes. For instance, they use it for content monitoring advertisements serving. By analyzing the data, they can easily determine the target users.

These algorithms allow taking down problematic posts rapidly as well. Keyword identification with visual image recognition makes this possible. Thanks to this system, social media feeds are able to adjust their contents to the users. Companies can then advertise their services or products to the right audience on platforms like these. 

Travel and navigation

Traveling is another part of life significantly affected by these technological advances. Printed maps are good, but Waze, Apple, and Google Maps can be even more practical. There are several ways in which an application like this will help you more when you’re out of the country.

Firstly, they are more difficult to lose. Second, they are always updated. Third, they can warn us about road barriers and traffic congestion. Due to AI, these apps can interpret the information they get and provide simple and useful navigation solutions and suggestions. 

Smartphone apps

Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant have revolutionized smartphone apps and mobile app development process in a way. They brought a new role to our devices. A virtual assistant can perform tasks such as calling people, researching flights, sending gifts, taking notes, and many other useful actions. 

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), along with ML and statistical analysis, help any device understand what the owner wants to do. Not only that, they enable the digital assistant to finish the task. Thanks to this software’s ability to recognize the speech pattern and learn about the user, it has become an important asset of many people’s lives rather quickly. 

Video streaming

The reason YouTube almost always knows what to play next is simple. It uses AI to get familiar with its users. Whenever a person searches for something or likes a video, the app remembers it. Not only that, but it can also track the patterns of songs a certain user is playing. Other apps such as Netflix and Spotify do this as well. 

Music and video streaming are the fields where ML can show its full potential. It tracks and observes user behavior and finds preferences easily. That is why the recommendations are usually spot-on. By memorizing the artists or movie genres you like, these apps can suggest newer content that should be aligned with your interests. 


Thinking about a product and seeing it advertised online only a couple of minutes later is an interesting experience. It can seem like magic, but it’s not. It’s AI, instead. That may even be some of its finest work. The explanation is not complex at all. 

When people visit several shopping sites, their online movements are tracked. Even using search engines can affect this. Soon after typing in the name of the product, people can expect the ads for the same or similar products all over their platforms. The smart systems are connected, and they work all the time to ensure a better user experience. 

Self-driving cars

Even though it sounds like it belongs to some future time, a self-driving car is a real thing. These robotic cars have changed the world of traditional driving completely. Even if it doesn’t seem that way, without the human factor, the future of transportation looks bright. 

Once human error is removed, driverless cars can improve the situation on the streets significantly. AI allows them to make good decisions as fast as possible. That is extremely valuable in case of an accident. By being preprogrammed to react in a certain way, self-driving cars are safer for the environment than their traditional counterparts. 

Shopping sites 

Online shopping has several benefits. It’s fast, simple, and convenient. The reason why people love it so much is that they can find anything they like quickly. This is why eCommerce development agencies carefully monitor users behavior,which helps these sites learn how to offer their products in the best way possible. 

For instance, shopping sites monitor various factors before they offer something to a user. Time, weather, and the pattern of visited pages are just some of these factors. ML enables them to keep track of approaching festivals as well. All of that can improve the user experience and lure more customers.

Finance services 

When it comes to keeping track of the advances in technology, banks have always shown their willingness to stay relevant. They have been using ML for quite some time, and they’ve done a pretty good job of it. They’ve created a safe and convenient experience for their users by simply implementing these kinds of systems. 

Besides keeping the transactions safe, banks use these tools to analyze investment trends and provide customer services as well. They can detect fraudulent activity immediately and notify the users of what’s happening. By observing user preferences and requirements, banks can send relevant notifications. These systems also consider financial strength and ensure a suitable and secure banking experience. 


AI has already revolutionized our lives in many ways. It has affected every part of our days, and it keeps bringing more change. Fortunately, the change is for the better. Leading a simpler and easier lifestyle is not as challenging as it might seem due to these technological advances.


This article was originally published at Find Digital Agency.